Any ritual deeds of Islam normally comes with a sets of rules and regulations.
Some of them are simply unnecessary but we are being told to observe even some nifty
rules because such guidelines would make it easier for all of us to 'shoot a goal'.
The following are the necessary rules to adhere to when reciting the duas:
One should always remain in ablution (wudhu) while reciting.
If for certain reason one's ablution has become invalid, he should stop reciting
and perform a new ablution before continuing.
The dua should be recited for a total number of 41x or
by a total number of 41 persons in a group.
It is not permissible to talk until the recitation is completed.
If the recitation is performed in a group, one must sit with one's knees or
thighs touching one another.
It is not permissible to recite the dua for unlawful or bad purposes.
However it is all right to recite the dua for some worldy gains such as
seeking divine help in upcoming school examination.
Other Optional Rules for Recitation
Perform istighfar (seeking God's forgiveness) 3x
Recitation of Sura al Fatehah (Sura Hamd) for Holy Prophet (pbuhahf)
Recitation of above for the waly of the Holy Prophet (pbuhahf)
Recitation of above for the four Malaikah (Angels)
Recitation of above for one's parents
Recitation of above for one's teachers
Recitation of above for moslems around the world
Start reciting the Yasin Dua.
(Note:- On Page 11, at al Hajat blue section, one should
indicate one's intention of reciting)
Recite Subhanallah 313x
Recite Alhamdulillah 313x
Recite Allahuakbar 313x
Recite salawat 313x
Recite La ila hail lallah 1000x
Recite Ayat Lazim
Recite any Dua
Page Profile
Created: Sep 1996, Last Update: 15/8/2001 All Comments welcomed